Alcohol and Kidneys: A Registered Dietitian Perspective Renal Diet For Kidney Health

how does alcohol affect the kidneys

In many patients with liver cirrhosis, the kidneys’ ability to create dilute urine is compromised, leading to a state of abnormally low sodium concentration (i.e., hyponatremia). In hyponatremic patients, the amount of fluid retained by the kidneys is disproportionately greater than the amount of sodium retained. In other words, the kidneys’ ability to excrete excess fluid by way of dilute urine is impaired, and too much fluid is reabsorbed. Hyponatremia probably is the single most common electrolyte disturbance encountered in the management of patients with cirrhosis of the liver (Vaamonde 1996). This abnormality may reflect the severity of liver disease, but the available data do not allow correlation of kidney impairment with the degree of clinical signs of liver disease, such as ascites or jaundice. Chronic alcohol consumption may cause both fluid and solutes to accumulate, thereby increasing the overall volume of body fluids.

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Baseline characteristics of 5729 participants according to groups defined by baseline alcohol consumption. Excessive consumption of several beverages can be harmful to the kidneys. This includes alcohol, sugary, and high-sodium beverages, such as vodka, sodas, energy drinks, and sweetened juices. In addition to the severity of the damage, the kidney’s ability to recover depends on the duration and intensity of alcohol consumption and the individual’s overall health. Long-term alcohol use can have significant and lasting effects on the kidneys.

how does alcohol affect the kidneys

Treatments for chronic kidney disease

Although the mechanisms responsible for these effects have not been established, an experimental study by Chan and Sutter (1983) offers some insight. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that most American adults (two out of three) drink alcohol. Too often, some of these regular drinkers have more than five alcohol and kidneys drinks at one time. In fact, about a quarter of drinkers reported they had done this on at least one day in the past year. “Binge” drinking has harmful effects on the kidney that can even lead to acute kidney failure. This often goes away after a time, but it can occasionally lead to lasting kidney damage.

Alcohol and Chronic Kidney Disease

how does alcohol affect the kidneys

Damage to these organs makes the kidneys work harder creating more dysfunction. Alcohol and kidneys can be an unhealthy combination over time and in excess. The use of alcohol can lead to both short- and long-term kidney damage. Alcohol, especially when consumed in excess, negatively affects many of the systems of the body. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s recommended that men have no more than two drinks per day, and that women have no more than one drink per day. Of course, if you have any questions about your personal relationship with alcohol, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.

Women, older people, and those with smaller bodies should be especially careful. Especially when there are many other factors to focus on when it comes to keeping your kidneys healthy and happy before looking to add in alcohol. Some research indicates alcohol intake may have positive effects on a healthy population, specifically men. Changes in hydration and electrolytes from alcohol intake can increase the risk for a UTI.

how does alcohol affect the kidneys

A person who experiences this type of pain, especially if it intensifies over hours or days, may have a serious illness and should speak to a doctor. Draw the initial manuscript, and all authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript. When experts talk about one drink, they are talking about one 12-ounce bottle of beer, one glass of wine (5 ounces), or one shot (1.5 ounces) of “hard liquor.” Treat gastritis by avoiding alcohol, pain medications, and recreational drugs.

how does alcohol affect the kidneys

  • If an acute alcoholic binge induces extensive vomiting, potentially severe alkalosis may result from losses of fluid, salt, and stomach acid.
  • According to the American Kidney Fund (AKF), there are five stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), with stage 1 representing the earliest and mildest stage and stage 5 representing the most advanced and severe.
  • This is the area at the back of your abdomen, under your ribcage on both sides of your spine.
  • Coconut water, apple cider vinegar drinks, and hot chocolate are great options.
  • Even without binge drinking, regularly drinking too much too often can also damage the kidneys.

Specific effects of drinking patterns have been demonstrated in a study of ischemic heart diseases [76]. This meta-analysis found a significant difference when comparing episodic heavy drinkers with moderate regular drinkers; the former increases the risk of ischemic heart diseases [115]. There is a lower risk of ischemic heart disease for moderate drinkers without heavy drinking occasions and a higher risk for drinkers with the same average amount who engaged in heavy episodic drinking [76]. Moreover, the harmful effect of episodic heavy drinking seems to be more obvious in people with light alcohol consumption, and it may be related to a rise in platelet reactivity and thrombosis after binge drinking [9].

  • A recent meta-analysis (Cheungpasitporn et al. 2015) found little support for such a relationship.
  • This was assessed by measuring the change in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) calculated by subtracting the baseline eGFR from the eGFR at the sixth phase of follow-up.
  • It may be that toxins released from the intestines into blood circulation because of ethanol’s effects on the digestive system activate the expression of nitric oxide synthase.
  • Too often, some of these regular drinkers have more than five drinks at one time.
  • Quality of the foods and supplements you consume, amount of water and other beverages, and stress management are some other very important factors I focus on with clients before we discuss alcohol as part of a balanced diet.

How Does Alcohol Affect Kidneys? Drinking and Kidney Facts

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how does alcohol affect the kidneys